Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Fallopian tubes are female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and the uterus. Every month during ovulation, which occurs roughly in the middle of a menstrual cycle, the fallopian tubes carry an egg from an ovary to the uterus. Conception also happens in the fallopian tube. If an egg is fertilized by sperm, it moves through the tube to the uterus for implantation. If a fallopian tube is blocked, the passage for sperm to get to the eggs, as well as the path back to the uterus for the fertilized egg, is blocked. Common reasons for blocked fallopian tubes include scar tissue, infection especially Tuberculosis , and pelvic adhesions.
Blocked fallopian tubes don’t often cause symptoms. But, blocked fallopian tubes can lead to mild, regular pain on one side of the abdomen. This usually happens in a type of blockage called a hydrosalpinx.
Can you get Pregnant ?
Blocked fallopian tubes are a common cause of infertility. Sperm and an egg meet in the fallopian tube for fertilization. A blocked tube can prevent them from joining. If both tubes are fully blocked, pregnancy without treatment will be impossible. If the fallopian tubes are partially blocked, you can potentially get pregnant. This is because it’s harder for a fertilized egg to move through a blockage to the uterus. In these cases, we might recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF), depending on whether treatment is possible.
If only one fallopian tube is blocked, the blockage most likely won’t affect fertility because an egg can still travel through the unaffected fallopian tube. Fertility drugs can help increase your chance of ovulating on the open side.
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a type of X-ray used to examine the inside of fallopian tubes to help diagnose blockages.
If your fallopian tubes are blocked by small amounts of scar tissue or adhesions, we may do laparoscopic surgery to remove the blockage and open the tubes. This is called Tubal Cannulation. It is done under hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy guidance.
The possibility of pregnancy
It’s possible to get pregnant following treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. Your chances for pregnancy will depend on the treatment method and severity of the block.
Talk to us to understand your chances for a successful pregnancy.
The most common complication of blocked fallopian tubes and treatment is ectopic pregnancy, which is a surgical emergency.